Sunday, July 27, 2008

Reasons to Stay at Home on a Sunday

1. B (yak.)
2. Porkchop (?)
3. downloaded movies/tv series
4. a good easy-read
5. a comfy bed
6. relatively fast internet connection
7. beautifully cooked meals

Who am i kidding? I don't need any reason to stay at home and stay in bed the whole day on a Sunday!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why I worked from home last Monday

I was halfway to the office when I realized that I left my office laptop at home. Ang talino!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Word for the Day: Karoshi

"Karoshi" - deaths from overwork

I guess these are not uncommon in Japan as they already have a term for it. For the latest Karoshi news, check out:

Ruling finds Japanese man died from overwork